
(PACE 1 HR) Encapsulated Medical Foods and the Management of Fatigue or Cognitive Disorders

1 Hour


(PACE 1 HR) How to Implement Encapsulated Medical Foods into Clinical Practice


(PACE 1 HR) Encapsulated Medical Foods and the Management of Obesity


(PACE 1 HR) Encapsulated Medical Food for the Management of Sleep Disorder


(PACE 1 HR) Encapsulated Medical Foods for Chronic Pain


(PACE 12 HR W/RK) Managing Patients with Concussion and Their Related Findings with 2 Hours of Record Keeping

12 Hours


(PACE 6 HR) Chiropractic Philosophy – Philosophy

6 Hours


(PACE 12 HR) Patient Management of the Older Patient With Techniques and Record Keeping

12 Hours


(Pace 12 HR) Chiropractic Philosophy, Efficacy and Technique With 2 Hours of Record Keeping

12 Hours


(Pace 12 HR) Patient Management Through All Phases of Pregnancy With Techniques and Record Keeping

12 Hours


(Pace 12hr) The Modern Day Effects Of Stress From Homeostasis To Heart Disease with 2 Hours Record Keeping

12 Hours


(Pace 12hr) Neurophysiology of Stress With Two Hours of Record Keeping

PACE Recognized Provider, 12 CEUs


(PACE 6 HR) Part 2: Managing Proprioceptive Issues 2 of 2

6 Hours


(PACE 6 HR) Part 1: Managing Balance Issues 1 of 2

6 Hours


(PACE 12HR) Balance, Proprioception & Record Keeping



(PACE 12 HR) Patient Management through All Phases of Pregnancy W/ Techniques

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